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Website designing has become one of the rapidly growing trends during the past few decades in this world. The website development industry is playing a major role in this field of growing competitive market worldwide. Maintaining an suitable  level of quality is a prime challenge for the designers in developing a website. Over the past few decades, research has passed through the various phases to predict the quality of a website from a high-level design description. The quality of a website is directly inclined to the knowledge of the developer and the quality processes used during design and development. Developers need to have a thorough understanding of the website design and development process, website quality, organization behavior, technology upgrades, and website standards/guidelines, etc.

A website is a combination of different web pages linked together in a certain way according to the designer’s will and organizational need served through the same domain name server. The developed website is prepared and maintained by a person, group or an organization. Website is typically written in XHTML and hosted on a single web server for its access through the network. Each website is provided with a unique uniform resource locator (URL) and accessed through the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) responsible for making communication possible between the client machine and the server by the application of different browsers. The URLs of the WebPages are responsible for organizing the website into a hierarchy and the hyperlinks between them control how the reader perceives the overall structure and the flow of traffic between the different parts of a website.


There is always an objective behind every activity and same is the case with website development. Many times the success rate of the website decreases and desired results are not achieved because of unclear objectives or purpose. If the objective for developing the Website is clear, the rest of the steps in planning will become easier. The Websites are developed for different reasons. It may be to provide information and better services to the customer, to update the members in a community, to make citizens aware of government rules and regulations, to increase the sell or to make the business online. Once the objective is clear, the other activities in planning remain focused around it.

The goal means the achievement from the website development. The kind of benefit an individual or an organization gets from it is called value addition. If a site is developed to provide information to the users, the goal should be user satisfaction in terms of getting timely and accurate information. If it is a business website, the goal is to increase in the sell. Both the objective and goal of the website development should be clear and in well-documented form. It is also important to define the quantifiable measures to find the success of the Website.


Next step in website planning is to ‘identify the target audience’, i.e. the people for whom the website is to be developed. It is very important to know about their background, educational qualification, gender, age, likings, and preferences. Even user profile affects the website design e.g. children websites must include cartoons and graphics with colors. For continuous improvement, a feedback form is designed to get their requirements and views about the site. This feedback can be used to improve the overall appearance of the site, presentation of the content and navigation styles.


The basic objective for any website is to provide the information in one or other form such as text, image, audio, video, various forms, etc. to the target audience. This information forms the contents of the website. The content should be unambiguous, clear, spell checked, precise, accurate, relevant, recent and matching to site objective. It should be well organized and must fulfill the information need of the users. Once the information is identified and collected, the next important activity is to prepare storyboard that includes the page layouts, their logical groupings, and the navigation choices. Either paper-based approach is used or we can use the flowchart software to prepare it. We can also use a particular structure depending upon the contents, user needs, and navigation choices.


After the contents are ready, following steps needs to be performed before the website is publicly accessible:
I. Implement each page using suitable technologies on client (HTML, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript) and server-side (Servlets, JSP, ASP, PHP, Perl).
II. Organize the files containing WebPages and other contents like images into proper directory structure so that future modifications become easy.
III. Test your individual pages and their links on a local machine so that once launched it will work properly.
IV. Register your domain name, e.g. with appropriate ISP providing hosting services.


 A website generally has a root directory and several subdirectories which makes it easier for navigation. As the web has matured over the past decade, the structure of web pages in text-driven information sites has become more uniform and predictable. It composed of three main sections: The homepage, the main sections and the subsections, each of which can be easily accessed by the visitor. Website structure refers to the framework in which the information or content of a website employs for both usability and presentation. It is a distributed network of links that ties your website together. The website structure describes the functional shape of a website in terms of content presentation. It is the framework that shapes your site and defines your website navigation scheme.


Searching for information is one of the most important uses of websites, which makes it the most valuable tool in various aspects of life. Websites are considered as the most powerful source of knowledge. The websites are utilized for various purposes like Web surfing, Email, and chatting, Social Networking, Videos, Online Business, Searching Jobs, News and Information, Classified Ads, Blogs, Downloads, Online payments, Online Banking, File sharing, Online games, Online Dating, etc. Websites these days are acting as an international marketing agency and one of the most important assets of an organization. It creates an opportunity for all organizations in this world big or small to make their global presence. Following points given below supports the importance of websites as an international marketing agent:

Open for Business 24 Hours a Day.
Reach New Markets With a Global Audience.
Nerve Centre for the Global Economy.
Present a Professional and Credible Image.
Improved Customer Service.
Save Money on Printing and Distribution Costs.
Create A Product Or Service Showcase.
Automation, Productivity, and Profitability.
Sell Your Products and Services Online.
Your Own Internet Identity.
Promote Your Services.
Customer Feedback.
Worldwide Exposure.
Great Recruiting Tool.
Transfer Information to Branches and Affiliates.
Viral Marketing without a Marketing Cost.
Improve Your Advertising Effectiveness.
Educate Your Customers.

 In todays era, many companies are offering Website Designing with affordable rates but where its comes to low rate it is important to hire well perienced company who can cater your requirement in best possible manner.


It is very difficult, rather impossible to categorize websites on the basis of certain parameters. A vast variety of websites exists these days, relevant to the specific purpose. Moreover, several types of categorizations still exist, but broadly they are categorized on the basis of techniques and technologies involved in its access and the purpose for which it has been developed. Based on different functions, utility, technology, behavior and access methods the websites are categorized into two broader aspects given below:


Different types of websites are available depending upon the context of their utilization. There are many varieties of websites, each specializing in a particular type of content or use, and they may be arbitrarily classified in any number of ways. A few such classifications might include: Affiliates, Database, Dating, Directory, Job, Gaming, Informative, Computing, News, Educational, Search Engine, Portals, Personal homepages, Political, Review, Social Networking, Government, etc. But the major categorization based on its popularity and utility is Social Networking, Educational, Government, Commercial and Job Portals Archives, Blogs, Content sites, Commercial, Community.


Website designing is the way to represent the look and feel of your website by using Markup and Scripting languages such as HTML, CCS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Jquery etc.

Web Development term is basically used when comes for core task by use of server side languages such as PHP, JAVA etc.

Digiature Technology Pvt. Ltd.
68A/2 Chak Mundera Allahabad - 211011
Uttar Pradesh, India


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